

The Behavioral Strategy Institutes researches behavioral influences on strategic management and applies these insights from strategy development to strategy implentation and transformation. In this endavor we focus primarily on critical success factors. Based on them, you as entrepreneur or manager will develop the capacity to get to better strategic decision.


Medium sized companies are very often not yet big enough to have a management team for strategic decisions, yet the problems and questions are not very different from larger corporations. We offer our BeSt-Corporate-Boards as solution. In regular meetings between entrepreneurs from different industries you discuss strategic questions and develop and learn from each other. While discussing we support you with Behavioral Strategy insights and apply them on the spot, so that everybody is part of this learning journey.

BeSt-Advise - Smart Data Tool

The quality and the success of the strategy depends on the shared thinking of the future of the company. This is – as everybody knows – most difficult and the long-term survival of the company depends on it. In our growing complex and globalized world one intelligent brain is not enough any longer – shared thinking is needed.

Therefore we use a Smart Data-Tool, which supports the shared thinking process. With this software we gather unconscious and preconscious attitudes, assumptions, ideas and emotional judgements of the first leadership level so that their collective intelligence can be used for the making of a new strategy. In times of digitization and disruptive innovation this shared reflectivity is gaining more importance. Getting over the proved and tested is key. Our BeSt-Advise- Tool will help you to find new and creative solutions while taking the achieved together with you into the future.

Coaching and Mentoring

The core aspect of Behavioral Strategy lies in the capability for reflection and self reflection of the strategic decision maker. Therefore coaching and sparring are key elements for improving the strategy quality.

Our Coaches and Mentors are experienced in strategic decision making themselves. Where the coach is usually more deeply qualified for the psychological aspects of the decision maker, the mentor has deeper insights in corporate processes from a personal perspective.

If you would to know more about our coaching and mentoring programm, please send an email to